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Unofficial Pathfinder Bible Experience for 2025-2026
Isaiah 1-46 Memorization Guides

Welcome to the Ready Answers Bible Memorization Curriculum. Unofficial Study Guides for the PBE 2025-2026 year.

The Ready Answers Bible Memorization Program is designed to help you memorize Bible passages easily and quickly. It is based on many well-proven strategies for memorizing. From this page you can get our material designed to help prepare for tests on the Biblical book of Isaiah chapters 1-46. This should be helpful for tests such as the 2026 Pathfinder Bible Experience or Bible Bowl events. It is also helpful for any study of these chapters. On other web pages at this site, we also have memorization guides for other books of the Bible.

Official PBE Information

We supply unofficial study guides. For the official rules and instructions to register a team, please go the the official PBE site for your division. Searching the web, the following SDA division-level pages:

If you are in another division, consult them for their official information and send us an email with your division's official web site.

Study Guides in English, Spanish, and French

If the hyperlinks in these study guides don't work, please try using Acrobat reader. This is often necessary on phones.

The "initials" study guides provide the initial letter of each word to help students confirm they are correctly recalling the verses. Once students have mastered reciting the verses using this, they will want to advance to using the "blanks". These study guides have a blank for each word of the verses except for the most commonly used words. These very common words like "an", "the", "of" are provided as clues. We hope this will help students who have mastered reciting the verses using the Initials to speed their process in completely memorize the verses.
Memorization Guides Video Questions
chapters pdf Chapter Videos Excel pdf
Isaiah 1-7
Isaiah 1-7 Initials
Isaiah 1-7 Blanks

Isaiah 1-7 Initials
Isaiah 1-7 Blanks

Isaiah 8-15
Isaiah 8-15 Initials
Isaiah 8-15 Blanks

Isaiah 8-15 Initials
Isaiah 8-15 Blanks

Isaiah 16-25
Isaiah 16-25 Initials
Isaiah 16-25 Blanks

Isaiah 16-25 Initials
Isaiah 16-25 Blanks

Isaiah 26-32
Isaiah 26-32 Initials
Isaiah 26-32 Blanks

Isaiah 26-32 Initials
Isaiah 26-32 Blanks

Isaiah 33-40
Isaiah 33-40 Initials
Isaiah 33-40 Blanks

Isaiah 33-40 Initials
Isaiah 33-40 Blanks

Isaiah 41-46
Isaiah 41-46 Initials
Isaiah 41-46 Blanks

Isaiah 41-46 Initials
Isaiah 41-46 Blanks


Team Organization

You will probably want to consider carefully who on the team should be responsible for which portions of this year’s material. Since some chapters are smaller than others and some books are smaller than others. This year there is very little similarity between verses, but if there are, they can be difficult for one person to be ready to answer questions on both. Assigning students to each learn the same number of chapters might not be the best strategy. The tables below show our recommended assignments. The goals we had were:

  • Each assignment should be about the same size as the other assignments. This is to help spread the effort equally across the team members.
  • To simplify remembering who is responsible for which verse, each student should generally be responsible for as few blocks of verses as possible. This is often in conflict with the other goals so a balance must be selected.
  • We consider if the content of two verses is similar. We try to assign these verses to different team members, because many people have difficulty memorizing two passages that are nearly identical. This year an example of this is Isaiah 41:8 and Isaiah 44:1. They have almost the same message and use almost the same words, but they are not identical. In this situation I chose to reduce the number of verses in this student's section because this isn't the only difficult pair of verses in the last few chapters of Isaiah before chapter 46.
  • Each verse should be assigned to one student as a primary responsibility and to a second student as a secondary responsibility. This enables the students to consult with each other during the tests and help each other remember the details required to answer the questions. Also, if one student unexpectedly is not able to participate, the remaining team members are prepared to answer the questions.
  • Each student should have a study partner that leverages the primary and secondary responsibilities. This way, pairs of students can study more of their own verses in a study session than they could studying as a full team for the same amount of time.

Suppose the team members are Alex, Adam, Lexi, Jordan, Jeffrey, and Noah. Also suppose that Alex and Adam will be partners, Jeffrey and Jordan will be partners, and that Lexi and Noah will be partners. The table below shows that Alex has the primary responsibility for Isaiah 1-7, and Adam has secondary responsibility for these same chapters.

Team Member Assignments
Segment Verses Alex Jeffrey Adam Jordan Lexi Noah
Isaiah 1-7 153 Alex's Primary Adam's Secondary
Isaiah 8-15 162 Jeffrey's Primary Jordan's Secondary
Isaiah 16-25 161 Alex's Secondary Adam's Primary
Isaiah 26-32 149 Jeffrey's Secondary Jordan's Primary
Isaiah 33-40 172 Lexi's Primary Noah's Secondary
Isaiah 41-46 135 Lexi's Secondary Noah's Primary
Primary Verses 153 162 161 149 172 148
Secondary Verses 161 149 153 162 148 172
Total 314 311 314 311 320 320

The verse numbers on this page are using the verse number used in NKJV. In the verses for this year's PBE, the verse numbers are the same in each of the languages except for Isaiah 8:23-Isaiah 9:21. English and Spanish agree however, Hebrew and French translation begins chapter 9 one verse later resulting in one additional verse in chapter 8 and one fewer verses in chapter 9. As we prepare questions we may notice that some phrases are not present in all these translations. As we encounter them, we will list them here.

Fund Raising

Some teams plan for success by raising the funds early to ensure they will be able to go the the final NAD testing level. One very successful fund-raising idea is to have a 30-day verse memorizing event. Students can ask sponsors to contribute $2 per verse for 30 verses that they learn within those 30 days. Some people even pledge to give $4 per verse if they learn 60 verses. This not only funds the trips, it also can be a great incentive to get ready for the tests.

Copyright 2025, Ready Answers, William and Rochelle Houser, Phone: 812-858-9241.

Email Bill or Shelley at:

Please contact us if you have any questions on how to get these materials on your device. Please let us know if you find any errors so we can correct them and notify our mailing list.